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Kizhi is an Ayurvedic treatment in which warm poultices filled with herbal oils, powders or medical concoctions are applied and massaged over the body. The natural healing herbs are crushed and bundled into muslin cloth to form boluses. Warm poultices are used to massage the body (or specific parts), to induce sudation (sweat). The entire body or specific body parts are made to sweat as a result of application of the warmed herbs.

Who Benefits From Kizhi Abhyanga Massage?

Like Shirodhara & Abhyanga, Kizhi Abhyanga is a great treatment for a compromised nervous system and relaxes the whole body. Abhyanga can help relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress, fatigue and hypertension. It relieves tension, worry, fear and headache as well as depression. It regulates mood and gives feelings of pleasure and relaxation.

Benefits of Kizhi Abhyanga:


– Stimulates the lymphatic and circulatory system, stimulates internal organs,

– Clears congestion and blockages in systems,

– Loosens tight muscles, softens joints and eases joint aches and pains, increases flexibility,

– Decreases blood pressure,

– Boosts the immune system,

– Nourishes all 7 layers of tissue

– Decreases the effects of aging and promotes longevity.

Mentally, Kizhi Abhyanga massage nourishes and deeply calms the nervous system which:

– Benefits sleep patterns and relieves insomnia,

– Improves memory and concentration,

– Reduces stress along with the damaging effects it has on the body,

– Clears the mind and invigorates the sense organs.



– Reduces anxiety and worry,

– Promotes a general feeling of well-being,

– Alleviates depression,

– Enhances self-worth, self-love, self-esteem,

– Promotes creative expression,

– Cultivates love and kindness.

Conditions Treated

    •    Hemiplegia/Paraplegia

    •    Pseudo muscular hypertrophy

    •    Sciatica

    •    Multiple sclerosis

    •    Cervical and lumbar spondylitis

    •    Arthritis

    •    Under Weight

    •    Muscular disorders

    •    Neurological disorders

    •    Diabetic neuropathy

    •    Osteoporosis

    •    Ankylosing spondylitis

    •    Motor neuron disease (MND

    •    Parkinsonism

    •    Rheumatoid arthritis

    •    High Blood pressure

    •    High cholesterol

Herbal oils specific to your constitution or current condition are especially good choices for full body massage and your practitioner will make the best choice for your constitution type or condition.

Benefits of applying oil to the scalp (murdha taila):

  • Makes hair grow luxurious, thick, soft and glossy

  • Soothes and invigorates the sense organs

  • Helps reduce facial wrinkles

Bhringaraj Oil, Brahmi Oil, and Healthy Hair Oil are especially well suited for scalp massage.

 This allows it to pass through minute channels in the body and penetrate deep layers of tissue.

Ayurveda teaches that there are seven dhatus, or layers of tissue in the body. Each is successively more concentrated and life-giving. 

Benefits of applying oil to the ears (karna puran):

  • Benefits disorders in and of the ear that are due to increased vata

  • Benefits stiff neck

  • Benefits stiffness in the jaw

Sesame Oil is a good choice when applying oil to the ears.

Benefits of applying oil to the feet (padaghata):

  • Alleviates coarseness, stiffness, roughness, fatigue and numbness of the feet

  • Feet become strong and firm

  • Enhances vision

  • Pacifies vata

  • Benefits local tissues, veins and ligaments

Bhringaraj Oil and Brahmi Oil are especially well suited for foot massage.

When NOT to Do Kizhi Abhyanga

  • During the menstrual cycle

  • Massage with deep pressure during the menstrual cycle is not advised in Ayurveda, as it can initiate a release of ama (toxins) from deep tissues at a time when the body is already a bit taxed. Some women don’t like to stop abhyanga during their cycle because they have very dry skin. If you choose to do it during your cycle, it is best to apply the oil gently and for only about five minutes.

  • During pregnancy

  • The reasoning is similar here. It is not a good idea to stimulate any sort of detox process during pregnancy. This precaution protects the growing embryo and fetus against any unnecessary exposure to ama.

  • Over swollen, painful areas or masses on the body

  • (Or do so only with the knowledge and consent of your health-care practitioner).

  • Over infected or broken skin

  • When there is high ama or great physical discomfort

  • A thick, white coating on the tongue often indicates high levels of ama.

  • During any sort of acute illness such as fever, chills, flu, or acute indigestion

  • Directly after taking emetics or purgatives

  • When you have a medical condition

  • (Unless your health-care practitioner says it is okay to do abhyanga).

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