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provides a holistic outlook on how nutrition impacts health, and the relationship between diet and disease, as well as a focused understanding of how nutritional, dietary, and lifestyle factors, impact one's health and wellbeing.

Naturopathy (Nutritional Medicine) combines "food-as-medicine" traditions and dietary therapy with cutting-edge scientific advances in nutritional biochemistry and supplement therapeutics. Our naturopaths view food, diet, nutrition & herbal supplements from the perspective of their therapeutic potential. They provide natural health dietary advice to our clients and prescribe nutritional & herbal supplements, to assist in the treatment of a broad range of health conditions.

As well as dietary planning, our naturopaths may also recommend high-quality, therapeutic strength Nutritional supplementation to help correct any biochemical imbalances in the body. They will use testing where necessary to establish baseline measures of specific nutrients and formulate an individualised supplementation plan accordingly.

A degree accredited and recognised Naturopathy Medicine qualification covers in‐depth study in areas of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, biochemistry, research, nutritional biochemistry and clinical nutrition, dietary medicine, clinical case taking, communication, and professional client interaction.


Contact our naturopath Tracy for dietary analysis, and individualised dietary planning and lifestyle advice.


Naturopathy—also called naturopathic medicine—is a medical system that evolved from a combination of traditional healing practices and health care approaches popular in Europe during the 19th century.

People visit naturopathic practitioners for various health-related purposes, including primary care, overall well-being, and treatment of illnesses.

What Naturopathic Practitioners Do

Naturopathic practitioners use many different treatment approaches. Examples include:

  • Dietary and lifestyle changes

  • Stress reduction

  • Herbs and other dietary supplements

  • Homeopathy

  • Manipulative therapies

  • Exercise therapy

  • Practitioner-guided detoxification

  • Psychotherapy and counselling.

Some practitioners use other methods as well or, if appropriate, may refer patients to conventional health care providers.

Education and Accreditation of Practitioners

Education and licensing differ for the three types of naturopathic practitioners:

  • Modern Traditional naturopaths complete a 4-year, graduate-level degree at one of Australia's naturopathic medical schools accredited by the Australian Government. They must also fulfil annual continuing education requirements.

  • Traditional naturopaths, also known simply as “naturopaths,” may receive additional training in a variety of ways after attaining their Government Accredited degree. Training programs vary in length and content and are usually courses that are supported by representative bodies.

  • Other health care providers (such as physicians, osteopathic physicians, chiropractors, dentists, and nurses) offer integrative allopathic support to enhance the  functional medicine approach naturopaths apply to their practice.,

Tell all your health care providers about any complementary or integrative health approaches you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. This will help ensure coordinated and safe care.

What is Advanced Nutrient Therapy?

Advanced Nutrient Therapy uses nutrients rather than medications for correcting biochemical imbalances caused by genetic predisposition and environmental stressors.

Based on a half-century of scientific research by brilliant medical scientists and clinicians like Dr. William Walsh, Advanced Nutrient Therapy is an excellent example of modern epigenetic medicine, and has successfully treated and benefited thousands of patients diagnosed with depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, ADD/ADHD, autism,dementia and other conditions. Go to our DNA page for more information....more> 

Naturopathic Consultations may include:

   Eco-genomics - (Colon bacteria DNA) Test

   Hair Tissue Analysis

   Live Blood Analysis

   Stress & Cardio Algorithms (HM)

   Sputum, Urinary and Facal Pathology

   Thyroid Testing

   Diabetes Test

   Lactose Intolerance Test

   Candida Test

   Coeliac Test


   Pulse Diagnosis

   Holistic Counselling... get to the bottom of the prevailing condition.

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